
Ethical AI in Education: The Reality Beyond the Guidelines

Professor Rose LUCKIN, University College London and EDUCATE Ventures

Date & Time:
14:30 – 15:30, 19 May 2023 (Friday)

Room CPD-3.28, 3/F. The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, HKU (Map)


AI in Education

Prof. Yi MA, Institute of Data Science, The University of Hong Kong

Video Recording

Presentation Slides

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The scaled use of generative AI tools, such as ChatGPT, has awoken the educational world to the realization that AI is here, our students are using it and their future careers will evolve because of it. AI in education is not new, but until now, those of us urging educators to pay attention to the way in which AI is implemented and adopted in education have struggled to be heard. Educators have simply been too busy to be able to attend to a technology that felt alien and disconnected from their key mission: to educate their students. It is not that AI has been missing from education, it is that AI has not been visible, it has not drawn attention to itself, and most people have not considered what it means to form a relationship with AI. And yet, that is exactly what we must now do, we must decide what our relationships to AI should be, as individuals, as educators, for our students and as a society.

The situation that we now find ourselves in is not necessarily optimal for education. The data and algorithms are not always controlled by the people we might have chosen to take up this role. So, what can we do? In 2018 the Institute for Ethical AI in Education was founded with a mission to develop a framework of guidelines to assist educators to make the best use of AI, whilst protecting themselves and their students from potential harm. In this talk, I will discuss the manner in which the IEAIED framework was created and the challenges that arise when trying to operationalize the guidelines for use in classrooms. I will draw on findings from a case from an international school group, who are determining what frameworks, such as that created by the IEAIED, mean in reality in terms of policy and practice within education.

About the Speaker

Rosemary (Rose) Luckin is a UCL Professor renowned for her research into the design and evaluation of educational technology, in particular Artificial Intelligence (AI). She was named as one of the 20 most influential people in education in the Seldon List, 2017, and is frequently asked to provide expert evidence to policy makers, in both Houses of the UK Parliament and the European Commission.

Rose has published prolifically in academic journals, books and conference proceedings. Her 2018 book: Machine Learning and Human Intelligence: The Future of Education for the 21st Century is available in English and Mandarin. In this book, Rose describes how AI can be used effectively to support teaching and learning. Her most recent book, published in 2022, is a collaboration with award-winning head teacher Karine George. AI for Schoolteachers is an essential and accessible guide to AI for anyone involved in education. Rose is also lead author of Nesta’s influential Decoding Learning report published in 2012 and Pearson’s Unleashing Intelligence, published in 2016.

Rose is also Founder of EDUCATE Ventures Research Ltd., a London hub for educational technology start-ups, researchers and educators involved in evidence-based educational technology and leveraging data and AI for educational benefit.

Rose has taught in the secondary, further education and university sectors and is president of the Self-Managed Learning College in Brighton. She has also spent time in University Management as a Director of Undergraduate Studies and Pro Vice Chancellor.

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